Science news and innovations

Science news and innovations

UCT journals aim to deliever the news of science and technology.

International Publisher of Scientific Journals

International Publisher of Scientific Journals

ToTal Goals: Easy publishing, High quality scientific contents, Open access available journals,...

Covering different fields of science

Covering different fields of science

Wide scopes of scientific fields are included in UCT journals. It involves all scopes of basic...

  • Science news and innovations

    Science news and innovations

  • International Publisher of Scientific Journals

    International Publisher of Scientific Journals

  • Covering different fields of science

    Covering different fields of science

Important Editorial Announcements


Important notice



The “UCT Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research” is changed to “Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research” (abbreviated as JSSHR; ISSN 2693-8405). This journal will be published in Research Hub Publisher from now. Also, the Editorial Board of this journal with change publisher and journal-title will be changed.

The new address of the journal is as follows: